Obviously the purpose of having a fusker collection of image references is to view the images you’ve collected. Image Surfer Pro provides powerful visualization tools which allow you to get the most enjoyment out of your images.
can be used to display the configured (via
visualization for the chosen segment in the Image Surfer Pro tree. Or you can
use the Tree Menu to choose a particular visualization for the current
There are three types of visualization available:
Displaying the Basic Visualization for a selected segment will generate webpages for Internet Explorer to display with the first image in each series from the tree below the selection. Above the selected segment the first iteration step is used. All directory segments at or below the selected segment are iterated. Directory segments which contain file segments are defined as an image sequence and the first path to the sequence is displayed in the webpage.
In this example Image Surfer Tree, the current selection is high-lighted in blue and is 2007<06-12>.
A webpage referencing 28 images will be generated:
Displaying the Expanded Visualization for the selected segment will generate webpage(s) for Internet Explorer to display every image in each series of images from the tree below the selection. Above the selected segment the first iteration step is used. All segments at or below the selected segment are iterated (including the file segments).
In the same example, displaying the Expanded Visualization will generate a webpage referencing the 1400 images – including:
Displaying the Guided Visualization for the selected segment will generate two sets of webpages. The first set of pages Internet Explorer is directed to will look identical to those generated by a Basic Visualization. However, each image on these pages references an expanded view of the specific image sequence from which the image was taken.
This can be quite useful in browsing through a large fusker collection. It also allows you to view just the images in the middle of several fusked sequences that would otherwize require you to scroll through potentially hundreds of images to see. In the same example, displaying the Expanded Visualization will generate a Guide webpage displaying 28 images. Each image will reference a specific sequence of 50 images. For example:
Guide Page Image:
References an expanded view of the images:
Guide Page Image:
References an expanded view of the images:
These tools can generate references to more files than a computer can open and
hold in memory.
settings allow you to set the number of images referenced on the Basic and
Expanded pages. When the visualization would generate more image references
than your configuration allows, you will see hyper links to the next or
previous set of images:
This link will take you back one Visualization page to previous images in the
set of images you have referenced
This link will take you forward one Visualization page to the next set of
images references you have accessed
Each referenced image on each page is displayed at full resolution. Each image is also a hyperlink to the actual image, acept on Guide pages which reference expanded views of the image seqeunce the image was taken from. You can deteremine where each image links by hovering over the image, the destination will appear as a "tip".
If you use Image Surfer Pro to store a reference to a file which Internet Explorer does not recognize as image data, Internet Explorer will display a “Dead Image” in place of the contents of the file on your visualization page.
This may be an indication the file either doesn’t exist or the data in the file
is not recognized as an image.
Clicking on this graphic will navigate the Internet Explorer window to the actual file if it exists. If the file exists and Internet Explorer can recognize the data, it will display the file
WARNING! Clicking on a dead image reference may take you to a
harmful website – these “missing” files are often embedded in Adult sites to
install spyware on your system. Do not click on a dead image link unless you
are sure where the link leads and trust the content provider.