The file configurations allow you to specify the default directory Image Surfer Pro uses for fusker collection and image files. You also have the option of having Image Surfer Pro remind you to save your work before creating a new fusker collection or opening a different fusker collection.
When you click the
next to either the {Default Collection Directory} or {Default Image Directory} a standard
file open browser window will allow you to pick the directory you wish to use for the configuration.
Image Surfer Pro uses a standard system Open File dialog to allow you to chose a directory because the standard directory dialog simply isn't very user friendly. To select the directory you want make sure the directory is open and the contents of the directory are visible in the list of on the right hand side of the dialog. While the Open File system dialog does allow you to chose a file, any file chosen will be ignored.
The graphic to the left shows the standard file browser. In the file name you are reminded that selecting a file is unnecessary.
When you open or save a fusker collection file, by default the file browsing dialog will start in the “Default Collection Directory”. Though you can browse to any location reachable by the standard file system, this setting gives you a consistent starting location.
When using Image Surfer Pro to grab images off the currently displayed webpage, you will be prompted to pick a location to save the image files. Though you will be choosing a directory, Image Surfer Pro again utilizes the standard system File Browser to allow you to choose your directory. Make sure the directory where you wish to store the images is selected and the contents of the directory are shown in the list on the right. This is the same interface used when you chose the Default Image Directory.
You can use the “Prompt to save on New or Open” setting to control if you are asked to save the current fusker collection when you attempt to open a fusker collection or create a new fusker collection. In previous versions of Image Surfer Pro and Internet Explorer, Image Surfer Pro was also able to prompt you to save if you closed the Internet Explorer window; However, IE9 does not allow the prompt dialog to be created and attempting to create the window can cause issues with IE9 - so the prompt is no longer created when an Internet Explorer window is closed.
There are no differences in the capabilities of the free and registered versions of Image Surfer Pro as they relate to setting your user preferences. The primary differences between the Free and Registered versions of the software are their ability to build fusker collections. The Free version of the software is primarily a viewer for the fusker collection files. Because the Free version of Image Surfer Pro does not support grabbing images, the setting for Default Image Directory will have no effect.