This button is the primary way in which new images are added to your fusker collection. The button tries to process the currently displayed webpage in one of four ways:
After adding images or processing an fusker collection form, a visualization of the last segment added will be displayed in the browser window.
When clicked, the first thing the
button does is look at the file extension of the currently displayed URL to determine if he webpage
is an image file.
Internet Explorer will directly display image files as easily as it displays webpages. It can sometimes be difficult to determine if you are seeing a webpage or an image. When IE displays an image file it will automatically scale down large images to fit the display area and provide a zoom cursor to indicate clicking on the image will scale it to full size. The top left corner of the image will be placed in the top left corner of the display area and the address bar should display a URL which ends in a known image file extension (such as .jpg).
can almost always provide direct access an image if you have any doubt you have a direct link.
The exact behavior of the Bolt button is greatly affected by both your user preferences and the Auto Range Override toolbar extension when active. These settings determine whether or not the file added to your fusker collection will be auto fusked and how.
Auto fusking is an attempt by Image Surfer Pro to locate similar images by computing a numerical fusk for the last segment added to the fusker collection. For example an image file such as .../images/01.jpg raises the question of whether or not .../images/02.jpg or .../images/00.jpg also exist or even if .../images/100.jpg exists. You can configure how Image Surfer Pro looks for these images as well as whether or not it even makes the attempt.
Image Surfer Pro Forms are built using the
button. Each image from a webpage is broken out of the webpage and placed in the left column of a table. Links
associated with the image are placed in the second column of the table. You may choose which links get added
to your fusker collection by marking check boxes for each image and/or link in the table.
When you click the
button, If it determines the current displayed webpage is not an image, it will check the header information
of the webpage to determine if it is an Image Surfer Pro generated form. When an Image Surfer Pro Form is found
it uses information about each of the check boxes to determine the URLs to add to your fusker collection.
The file extension of URLs added to the fusker collection by processing an Image Surfer Pro Form are NOT checked to determine if they are in fact images and the resulting entry in the fusker collection is NOT auto range fusked. Each individual file may become part of a list fusked file if they fall in the same directory structure as other files in the fusker collection.
A Thumbnail Post is a specific type of webpage where many of the images on the page are small "thumbnail" sized
images which are direct links to larger versions of the same images. Image Surfer Pro can add all of the
linked larger images to your fusker collection with a single click of the
Expanded visualization pages created by Image Surfer Pro are a specialized version of a Thumbnail Post because the images link directly back to themselves.
If the webpage currently displayed is determined to be neither an image file nor an Image Surfer Pro Form, then each image on the page is inspected. If an image has an associated hyper-link to another URL, the extension of the hyper link determines if the destination is an image file. Destinations of hyper-linked images which are also images are added to the fusker collection in the order they are found on the page.
Images added to the fusker collection in this way are NOT Auto Range Fusked. Each image is added independently, but may be grouped in a fusked list file if it falls into the same directory structure as other files in the fusker collection
The button will automatically determine the type of webpage being processed If the page is not one of the three types it is expecting it will ask you if it should add the page to your fusker collection anyway.
Selecting "Yes" will add the URL of the current webpage to your fusker collection. To read more about the use of non-image files in Image Surfer Pro fusker collections click here.
Auto Ranging Configuration:
The seven inputs in the Auto Ranging Configuration block of the user configuration all play a significant
role in how images are added to the fusker collection with the Bolt Button.
The first six configurations specifically control the Auto Range Fusking performed when individual image files are processed but do not effect operation when Image Sufer Pro Forms or Thumbnail Posts are processed. They determine whether or not Auto Range Fusking is performed, how large the range of files will be, and where the range starts relative to the image file being processed.
The Auto add individual images to lists configuration is checked any time a URL is added to the fusker fusker collection. If checked, files being added to the same directory in the fusker collection will be grouped into a fusked list file.
Processing Thumbnail Posts:
The Free Version of Image Surfer Pro does not support processing Thumbnail Posts. This warning will be provided
anytime the webpage to be processed is not a direct image link wiht the free version of Image Surfer Pro. This is
because the free version will also not generate Image Surfer Pro Forms - so the only webpages which can be
processed by the free version of Image Surfer Pro for addition to the fusker collection is a direct image URL.
Use Limitation:
The Free Version of Image Surfer Pro will only allow you to use the Bolt Button a limited number of times
per browsing session. The primary use of the free version of Image Surfer Pro is to visualize existing
fusker collection files and provide a limited feel for the ability to modify those fusker collections. Building extensive
fusker collections with the free version will be difficult.
Examples of using the
button are separated in to three sections: