The Visualize entry in the Fusker Collection Tree Menu is a submenu consisting of four options.
Similar to the
button, this submenu allows you to generate webpages which display the file references as images. However, rather
than using the user configuration to determine what type of webpages to generate, the menu option allows you to
specify the visualization type directly, effectively overriding the Visualization Configuration in your user
While the options on the Visualize Submenu override the user configurations of views based on segment type, they do not override the limits you have placed on the number of images per page generated.
Generally speaking 32bit operating systems can provide up to 2Gig of memory per running instance of IE. The 64bit version of windows removes this constraint and the true 64bit version of IE will likely be limited by the amount of memory installed rather than some system limit. Image Surfer Pro is a true 64bit application. It not only installs on a 64bit system but runs within the 64bit versions of IE. This is rare - and sets Image Surfer Pro apart.
When using IE9 on 64bit installations of Windows, two versions of IE9 are installed and functional. The 32bit version of IE9 will be the default browser, but the 64bit version of IE9 will also be installed. Unlike IE9, when IE10 is installed on a 64Bit version of Windows a single version of IE10 will be installed. The 64Bit version of IE10 runs a 64Bit window with either 32Bit or 64Bit tabs. To enable 64Bit tabs in IE10 you must enable the advanced internet option Enhanced Protected Mode.
When you install the 64bit version of Image Surfer Pro the application is installed for both 32bit and 64bit browsing. It will be fully functional for both 32Bit and 64Bit versions of IE9 or 32Bit and 64Bit tabs of IE10. IE10 does not support extension bars when run in Metro mode from Windows8 - to utilize Image Surfer Pro with IE10 on Windows8 you must run IE10 from the Desk Top.
When more than one page is required to display the images from your fusker collection you will notice links placed at the top and bottom of the pages.
This link is placed at the top of each display page after the first page will take you back one Visualization page to previous images in the
set of images you have referenced
This link will take you forward one Visualization page to the next set of
images references you have accessed
Image Surfer Pro visualization pages are standard HTML pages built by Image Surfer Pro and stored in a temporary directory on your computer. The files are removed when the IE tab associated with the instance of Image Surfer Pro which created the files is closed. When more than one page is used to show the visualization, the pages are linked at the top and bottom of each page via "relative" links. This means they can be copied to other locations or even published directly to the Internet.
Images on Image Surfer Pro visualization pages are shown at full resolution in a continuous manner without line breaks. You may use the IE zoom feature to change the size of the images on the screen. The number of images displayed on each page is controlled by your Image Surfer Pro preferences.
Each image is a clickable reference. Hovering over the image will bring up an information tag which tells you what the image links to. In some visualization types images on some pages will link to additional images from the related portion of the fusker collection. For example, images on "guide" pages link to "expanded" views of the pictorial that contains the image. In other pages the image provides a direct link to the image file. Because of this, expanded and basic visualization pages can be treated as thumbnail posts (though the thumbnails are in fact full size images).
Non-image files and missing files are also shown on the visualization pages. Both types of files appear as missing file blocks in the visualization files. There may be reasons for adding non-image files to your fusker collection, but care should be exercised in ever accessing a file through a missing file block.
Limit the number of images per page
In almost all cases you will want to limit the number of images placed on each page when viewing
your fusker collection. The two text entry controls allow you to customize the number of images
based on the size of the images in your fusker collection, the amount of memory your computer has,
whether your computer is 32bit or 64bit, and how many images you want to see on a single page.
There are no differences in the capabilities of the free and registered versions of Image Surfer Pro as they relate to visualizing fusker collections. The primary differences between the Free and Registered versions of the software are their ability to build fusker collections. The Free version of the software is primarily a viewer for the fusker collection files.
Using a sample fusker collection, the visualization examples walk through how changes in configuration and submenu selection change your fusker collection webpages. Download the sample fusker collection file and follow along with the examples or just read through the examples to get a basic understanding.