The Auto Ranging Override toolbar extension is a text edit control which appears on the primary Image Surfer Pro
toolbar just to the right of the
Information Button
It allows you to override a couple of user preferences which may need to change frequently if you are building fusker collections from multiple sources. The following configurations in the Auto Ranging Configuration maybe overridden by changing the value in this :
This user configuration may be overridden by the Auto Range Override toolbar extension. If the Auto Range Override entry is blank, then {Auto range when adding to the collection} is essentially turned off regardless of the actual user configuration. Likewise, if the Auto Range Override entry is not blank then {Auto range when adding to the collection} is essentially turned on regardless of the actual user configuration.
The value in the Auto Range Override toolbar extension takes the place of this user configuration as long as the toolbar extension is visible on the Image Surfer Pro Toolbar. Changing the Auto Range Override value however does not change the {Size of rnage} user configuration.
The Auto Range Override tool bar extension is enabled and disabled through the
Toolbars submenu from the
button. When the edit control on the Image Surfer Pro toolbar, the user configurations are overriden
by its value. If Auto Range Override is not on the toolbar it will have no effect.
Changing the value of the Auto Ranging Override does not change your user preferences and if the extension is not active has no affect on how those configurations are applied.
This extension to Image Surfer Pro is of great use when you are adding multiple pictorials to your fusker collection which are numerically fuseked but have different image counts.
As discussed the {Auto range when adding to the collection} and {Size of rnage} inputs in the Auto Ranging Configuration of your User Configuration are overriden by the value of the Auto Range Override toolbar extension.
There are no differences in how the free and full versions of the Image Surfer Pro software utilizes the Auto Range Override interface.