Image Surfer Pro Toolbar

Tools & Settings icon Tools & Settings
User Preference Reference

The following tables provide a brief summary of each user Preferences as well as references to the pages and examples which reference the configuraiton. Preferencess are listed by form and group.

General Tab
Preferences Description Page References Examples
File Handling
Default Collection Directory Determines the starting directory when loading or saving a fusker collection file.
  • None
Default Data Directory Determines the starting directory when using the Data Grabbing tool.
  • None
Prompt to save fusker collection on new, open, or merge Determines if you are asked to save a currently modified fusker collection when you decide to create a new fusker collection or open/merge another existing fusker collection.
  • None
Tool Bars
Show Auto Range Override at start up Determines if the Auto Range Override tool bar is visible by default when a new Image Surfer Pro window is created.
Show URL Capture Bar at start up Determines if the URL Capture tool bar is visible by default when a new Image Surfer Pro window is created.
Check For Updates Daily When enabled Image Surfer Pro will contact once each day it is used to determine if a newer version of the software exists. This does not cause your browser display to navigate or change in anyway, the connection is made silently.

If Image Surfer Pro determines there is either a newer Free or Registered version of the software available from then the Upgrade dialog will be displayed.

The date of the last time a check was made either manually or automatically is displayed here.
  • None

Processing Tab
Preferences Description Page References Examples
Auto Ranging Preferences
Auto range when adding to the collection Auto creates numeric fusked files when adding individual image files to your fusker collection with the Process Page button from Image Surfer Pro toolbar button or any type of URL added through the URL Capture Bar. You may override this configuration using the Auto Range Override.
Size of Range Used when {Auto range when adding to collection} is used in adding a new file to the fusker collection. Also used when Auto Ranging any fusker segment. It determines number of items referenced in the resulting fusk.
Always start with number Determines the start value of the numeric fusk when either adding a file or Auto Ranging a fusker collection segment. Mutually exclusive with {Search above and below added file}. Enter the desired value in the text box.
Search above and below added file Determines the start value of the numeric fusk when either adding a file or Auto Ranging a fusker collection segment. Mutually exclusive with {Always start with number}.
Auto add zero in possible range of references Only available if {Search above and below added file} is enabled. Will include zero in the possible range based on {Size of range} and the segment being processed. If not selected the lowest possible start of the numeric range will be 1.
Directed Search
Page time out in seconds A Directed Search is performed by navigating to each page in the search list then processing each page. The time it takes to navigate to a page is dependent upon the internet connection speed, page size, the capability of the hosting server and your computer. This configuration allows you to customize the amount of time Image Surfer Pro will wait for Internet Explorer to complete the navigation before prompting you whether or not to continue waiting.
Pause in seconds between search pages Because a Directed Search navigates to each page in the search, watching a directed search is similar to a slide show. This configuration allows you to control the time each complete page is displayed after it is fully loaded before it is processed.
Structure Propagation
Force split segments based on string size When directory or file segments are compared to an existing split directory segment, force those segments to split such that the new split directory has the same number of characters as the original split directory segment even if the original segments do not match the original split directory segment.
  • None
Merger Processing
Remove duplicates from incoming collection Only applicable to file mergers. As segments from the file merge with the existing fusker collection, some segments may be added directly to the fusker tree. This configuration determines whether or not subsequent segments from the file are compared to those that were added previously from the file, or only those which were originally in the fusker tree before the merger began.
  • None

Forms Tab
Preferences Description Page References Examples
Adding Images To Collection
Auto select image files in forms When an Image Surfer Pro form is created, this configuration will determine if the images in the left column of the Images Table are automatically selected.
Auto select URL links to images in forms When an Image Surfer Pro form is created, this configuration will determine if referneces to images in the right column of the Images Table or Links Table are automatically selected. Clean links have preference followed by Sanitized and then Original links.
Adding Videos To Collection
Auto select video files in forms When an Image Surfer Pro form is created, this configuration will determine if the videos in the Video Table are automatically selected.
Adding Frames To Collection
Auto select frames in forms When an Image Surfer Pro form is created, this configuration will determine if the frames in the Frames Table are automatically selected.
Choosing Links To Search
Auto select links from images in forms When an Image Surfer Pro form is created, this configuration will determine if the page links in the Images Table will be automatically selected for a directed search. It may be overridden by the "Select All" check boxes in the Images Table header and may be used in conjunction with {Auto select links from non-image text in forms}. Clean links have preference followed by Sanitized and then Original links.
Auto select links from non-image text in forms When an Image Surfer Pro form is created, this configuration will determine if the page links in the Links Table will be automatically selected for a deeper search. It may be overridden by the "Select All" check boxes in the Links Table header and may be used in conjunction with {Auto select links from images in forms}. Clean links have preference followed by Sanitized and then Original links.

Views Tab
Preferences Description Page References Examples
Open Collection
Visualize Collection upon Load Determines if a set of fusker collection level webpages is automatically generated when a fusker collection file is opened.
Binoculars Button
Fusker Collection / URL Selection Determines the type of fusker collection visualization pages are generated when the two top tier segments of a fusker collection are viewed. Choices are Guide, Expanded, or Basic.
Root Directory Selection Determines the type of fusker collection visualization pages are generated when domain name is selected in the fusker collection. Choices are Guide, Expanded, Basic, or Website.
General Directory Selection Determines the type of fusker collection visualization pages are generated when any directory segment below the domain name is selected in the fusker collection. Choices are Guide, Expanded, Basic, or Website.
Image Sequence Selection Determines the type of fusker collection visualization pages are generated when any file segment is selected in the fusker collection. Choices are Guide, Expanded, Basic, or Website.
Page Limits
Limit the number of images per page Determines whether or not to limit the number of media files displayed on any generated fusker collection viewing page.
Number of Images: Basic / Guide If {Limit the number of images per page} is enabled, the number of media files placed on any single top level Guide page or a Basic viewing page will be limited to this number. This value should be set based upon the amount of system memory, the type of operating system, and the size of any image used as the guide page object in each pictorial of your fusker collection.
Number of Images: Expanded / Detail If {Limit the number of images per page} is enabled, the number of media files placed on any single Expanded or Guide Detail viewing page will be limited to this value. This value should be set based upon the amount of system memory, the type of operating system, and the size of each media file in your fusker collection.
Guide Pages Image Size
Limit the size of images on guide pages Guide pages created by the Visualize Page button from Image Surfer Pro toolbar button or Visualization menu command will display images when the first media file down a tree path is either an image or a video. This configuration can be used to give a uniformity to the size of the images displayed from various sources.

Images Tab
Preferences Description Page References Examples
Image Collection
Automatically collect direct image links Determines if Direct Image links extracted during webpage processing will be automatically assemiliated into the existing fusker collection.
Automatically collect embedded image links Determines if Embedded Image links extracted during webpage processing will be automatically assemiliated into the existing fusker collection. A setting of Always will also cause embedded images to be extracted from every processed webpage.
Min embedded image file Kbytes for auto collection When a embedded images are being added to the fusker collection, this configuration determines the minimum number of bytes contained in the image information before they are added to the fusker collection.
Auto Optimize
Auto combine individual Images into fusked Images If an individual imae is added to a directory which contains another image, the images will be joined into a fusked image segment. The form of the fusk will be Optimized and may be either a list or numeric fusk. This happens when adding URL references to the fusker collection via the Process Page button from the Image Surfer Pro toolbar button, URL Capture Bar, or file merge.
Detailed View Image Size
Limit the size of images on detail pages This configuration lets you constrain the size of images displayed in expanded or detailed visualization pages created with the Visualize Page button from Image Surfer Pro toolbar button or Visualization menu command.

Videos Tab
Preferences Description Page References Examples
Video Collection
Automatically collect video links Determines if video (MP4) file links extracted during webpage processing will be automatically assemiliated into the existing fusker collection.
Auto Optimize
Auto combine individual Videos into fusked Videos If an individual video is added to a directory which contains another video, the videos will be joined into a fusked video segment. The form of the fusk will be Optimized and may be either a list or numeric fusk. This happens when adding URL references to the fusker collection via the Process Page button from the Image Surfer Pro toolbar button, URL Capture Bar, or file merge.
Video Size
Limit the size of videos on detail pages This configuration lets you constrain the size of videos displayed in expanded or detailed visualization pages created with the Visualize Page button from Image Surfer Pro toolbar button or Visualization menu command.

Frames Tab
Preferences Description Page References Examples
Frame Collection
Automatically collect frames information Determines if source information found in <iframe> and <embed> HTML constructs during webpage processing will be automatically assemiliated into the existing fusker collection.
Auto Optimize
Auto combine individual Frames into fusked Frames If an individual Frames is added to a directory which contains another Frames, the Frames will be joined into a fusked Frames segment. The form of the fusk will be Optimized and may be either a list or numeric fusk. This happens when adding URL references to the fusker collection via the Process Page button from the Image Surfer Pro toolbar button, URL Capture Bar, or file merge.
Display Defaults
Use dynaic sizing by default not specific sizing Frame information extracted from a webpage includes the width and height the frame was given on the webpage. You may use this configuration to instead chose to size frames to the full size of the browser display window on pages created by the Visualize Page button from Image Surfer Pro toolbar button or Visualization menu command.

Pages Tab
Preferences Description Page References Examples
Auto Optimize
Auto combine individual Pages into fusked Pages If an individual page is added to a directory which contains another page, the pages will be joined into a fusked page segment. The form of the fusk will be Optimized and may be either a list or numeric fusk. This happens when adding URL references to the fusker collection via the Process Page button from the Image Surfer Pro toolbar button, URL Capture Bar, or file merge.