Image Surfer Pro Fusker Collection View

File Button ISP Form Button Process Page Button View Button Tools Button Info Button Auto Range Override Direct URL Entry File Button ISP Form Button Process Page Button View Button Tools Button Info Button File Button ISP Form Button Process Page Button View Button Tools Button Info Button Auto Range Override Visualize Auto Range Modify Optimize Organize Cut/Copy/Paste Split Rollup Insert & Delete Nudging
Fusker collection view menu with Cut highlighted

Fusker Collection View Menu:
Cut / Copy / Paste

The Image Surfer Pro Clipboard

The Cut, Copy, and Paste commands on the Collection Tree Menu work in a similar way to these same commands in most modern windows applications. The one significant difference is that they use an Image Surfer Pro internal clipboard rather than the windows clipboard. This is primarily because the information held would be of little to know use in any other program. This allows you to hold text in the Windows clipboard while at the same time having a fusker collection tree branch in the Image Surfer Pro clip board.

Each instance of Image Surfer Pro has its own clip board. While this can be convenient it also means that you can not copy a tree branch from a fusker collection open in one browser window and paste it into the fusker collection of a different browser window or tab.

The clipboard is deleted when the Image Surfer Pro window is destroyed, basically when the IE browser window / tab is closed. You can copy a fusker tree branch from one collection, close that collection, open another collection and paste the branch to that tree.


The Copy command will make a copy of fusker tree starting at the current selection of the tree and places it on the Image Surfer Pro clipboard. The entire branch is copied, not just the selected segment and the structure of the branch is fully maintained in the copy.

The keyboard short cut CTRL-C may be used as well, but you must make sure the fusker collection tree view window has the focus and not the browser window.

Any segment below an Access Domain segment may be copied. Only the Collection and Access Domain icons can not be copied. There is no audible nor visual confirmation of a successful copy action, but if the current selection can not be copied the menu option will be grayed out. If you use the CTRL-C shortcut and the current selection can not be copied a popup window will inform you.


The Cut command will make a copy of fusker tree starting at the current selection of the tree and places it on the Image Surfer Pro clipboard. The entire branch is copied, not just the selected segment and the structure of the branch is fully maintained in the copy.

Once the branch has been copied to the Image Surfer Pro clipboard, it will be removed from the fusker tree in the same way as if you had used the Delete menu option. There is no UNDO option - however, you can of course simply paste the branch back to the same location if this was done by accident.

The keyboard short cut CTRL-X may be used as well, but you must make sure the fusker collection tree view window has the focus and not the browser window.

You may use the Cut command anywhere you could have used the Copy command. If the current selection can not be copied the menu Cut option will be grayed out. If you use the CTRL-X shortcut and the current selection can not be copied a popup window will inform you. If the branch could not be copied it will also not be deleted.


The Paste command insert a copy of the fusker tree branch currently in the Image Surfer Pro clipboard as a child segment of the current selection in the fusker tree. Because Paste inserts a copy, the branch in the clipboard is unchanged and can be pasted again. The clipboard branch is not merged with the existing tree but directly inserted.

The keyboard short cut CTRL-V may be used as well, but you must make sure the fusker collection tree view window has the focus and not the browser window.

You may paste the Image Surfer Pro clipboard to any segment below the Collection segment except file segments. The fusker tree view will immediately be updated as a visual confirmation of the paste success. If the current selection can not accept the paste command the menu option will be grayed out. If you use the CTRL-V shortcut and the current selection can not accept the paste command a popup window will inform you. You will also be notified if you attempt to paste an empty clipboard.

Related User Preferences:

Cut / Copy / Paste does not make use of any user configurations.

Differences in Free and Full Versions

Screen capture of free version limitation dialog The free version of Image Surfer Pro does not support the Cut / Copy / Paste features.