Image Surfer Pro Toolbar

Blowup of Information Button from Image Surfer Pro toolbar Information
Software Upgrades


Generic Upgrade dialog showing user interface for getting a software upgrade. When you choose the Check for Upgrade option on the information menu, Image Surfer Pro will access information at in order to determine what the latest release available is. It will compare the information about the newest release with the release you are currently running and display a summary of the comparison in a window similar to the one on the left.

Understanding Your Options

In the Upgrade Options box there are two possible options. The top option is for upgrading to a new free edition while the bottom version is for upgrading to a new registered edition. Each option will be enabled if a newer version of that edition of the software is available.

If there is no newer version of the software of that type, the corresponding option will be grayed out in the form. If both options are grayed out, then you are running the latest version of the software.

Read the text of each option carefully before deciding which option to choose. The options are radio buttons and selecting one option will automatically unselect the other option. By default the option to upgrade to a registered version will be selected.

Automatically Checking For Updates

This field will be checked if your user configuration setting is enabled. Changing the field on this form will change your user configuration.

When checked Image Surfer Pro will contact once each day it is used to determine if a newer version of the software exists. This does not cause your browser display to navigate or change in anyway, the connection is made silently.

If Image Surfer Pro determines there is either a newer Free or Registered version of the software available from then the Upgrade dialog will be displayed.

If you choose to ignore the upgrade (with the Cancel button), you will want to make sure this feature is disabled or you will be reminded daily to upgrade.


The Upgrade Now button behaves differently depending upon which option you choose and whether or not you have indicated you have a confirmation code for the new release.

Free Option Chosen
A new Internet Explorer window will be opened to the download page at where you can choose to download either the 64bit or 32bit free edition of the latest release.

Full Option Chosen / No Confirmation Code
A new Internet Explorer window will be opened to the PayPal secure purchasing site for Image Surfer Pro. From there you can choose a payment type and purchase the registration of Image Surfer Pro. When purchased you will receive an email at the email address you provide with a Registration Confirmation Code along with download instructions for the full edition of Image Surfer Pro.

Full Option Chosen / With Confirmation Code
A new Internet Explorer window will be opened to the download page at where you can provide your email address used in purchasing Image Surfer Pro along with your new confirmation code. Once those are provided you will have the option of downloading either the 32bit or 64bit fully registered edition of the software.

Registration Confirmation Codes

As long as you always upgrade to the latest version of Image Surfer Pro the upgrades are FREE! Yes - that is correct, as long as you upgrade to the latest release the upgrade is free. When a new release is made, all registered users of the previous release are notified via the E-Mail they used during their original registration about the release and provided a new confirmation code.

Make sure this option is enabled if you have received an email from with an updated confirmation code before clicking the Upgrade Now button to avoid being directed to re-purchase Image Surfer Pro.

If you purchased Image Surfer Pro and are being automatically prompted to upgrade your software, be sure to check the email used during the purchasing process for your upgrade confirmation code. If you believe you should have received an new confirmation code but have not, contact Image Surfer Pro Support and they will address the issue with you.

This option will not be on the form if you have chosen to upgrade to a free edition of the software because upgrades to the free edition to not require confirmation codes.

Related User Preferences:

Image of User Preferences Dialog with the General tab selected - Updates block highlighted Image of User Preferences Dialog with the Processing tab selected - nothing highlighted Image of User Preferences Dialog with the Processing tab selected - nothing highlighted Image of User Preferences Dialog with the Views tab selected - nothing highlighted
Image of User Preferences Dialog with the Images tab selected - nothing highlighted Image of User Preferences Dialog with the Videos tab selected - nothing highlighted Image of User Preferences Dialog with the Frames tab selected - nothing highlighted Image of User Preferences Dialog with the Pages tab selected - nothing highlighted

General Tab: Check For Updates Daily
Enabling this configuration will allow Image Surfer Pro to check once each day to see if an upgrade to your current installation is available. The date given in the configuraiton indicates the last day an upgrade check was preformed.

Differences in Free and Full Versions

If you are running the free version of Image Surfer Pro, you will want to disable the auto checking feature or you will be prompted daily to upgrade to the registered version because the the additional functionality in the registered version is considered an upgrade to the free version.

The auto checking functionality is primarily meant to be used by registered users who want to know when a new version is available without having to manually check.

NOTE: As long as you always upgrade to the newest version the upgrade is FREE! Once you miss an upgrade however, future upgrades go back to the regular price.